Video: How to repair a leaking step joint with pipe pressure on
This repair video was filmed at Bahrain International Airport after cement bonds weakened and allowed water to seep out a step joint on a 100mm UPVC pipe. The airport maintenance team used a SylWrap Pipe Repair Contractor Case to seal the leak in 30 minutes whilst the system remained live.
About this Pipe Repair Video
A leaking step joint where pressure cannot be turned off is difficult to repair. A pipe repair clamp is not effective because of the difference in height between the step and the line. Epoxy putty will not form an effective bond to repair a leak where water is seeping out.
The UPVC pipe played a vital role in a critical system at the airport and so could not be shut off for repair or replacement. The maintenance team therefore contacted Sylmasta for help with a live leak repair method.
Wrap & Seal Pipe Burst Tape was used to seal the leak. Wrap & Seal is a self-amalgamating tape which stretches by three times its length. When wrapped around a leaking pipe, it fuses to form a solid rubber band which contains content by creating a high-pressure repair.
Application began around 100mm away from the step. Wrap & Seal was wrapped towards the joint with a 50 percent overlay. Once the step was reached, the tape was wrapped directly on top of itself and a ridge built up to reach level height with the joint.
Wrap & Seal was then wrapped for a further 50mm along the step before application moved back to concentrate directly over the leak area.
Layers continued to be added until no more water was leaking from the pipe, indicating enough resistance had been created to seal the leak.
Two 50mm x 4m Wrap & Seal Tapes were used in the application. The repair was then reinforced with a SylWrap Pipe Repair Bandage. SylWrap is a composite fibreglass wrap with a water-activated resin.
It was wrapped and smoothed over the area covered by Wrap & Seal, setting rock hard in minutes to provide an impact resistant protective sleeve encompassing the step.
Completing the leaking step repair took less than 30 minutes whilst the pipe remained fully operational, meaning there was no impact to operations at the airport.
Both Wrap & Seal and SylWrap have WRAS approval, meaning they can be used on pipes carrying drinking water. Repairs are temperature resistant to 200ÂșC and effective on pipes of most substrates carrying hot and cold water and chemicals.
The products were supplied to the airport in a SYL-PRO-633 SylWrap Pipe Repair Contractor Case. A Contractor Case contains enough products to make up to six live leak repairs on pipes of all types and diameters.
It is easy-to-store on-site and transport via car or van, ensuring everything needed to fix a leaking pipe is close to hand for making repairs as soon as problems are identified.
Kits to Make This Repair

SylWrap Universal Pipe Repair Kit
Contains Superfast Epoxy Putty, Wrap & Seal and SylWrap Bandage for making a permanent live leak repair

SylWrap Pipe Repair Contractor Case
Easy-to-store, robust red case with enough SylWrap Pipe Repair products to make up to six permanent live leak repairs.
If you have an application you would like to enquire about, then please get in touch
Call: +44 (0)1444 831 459