Video: How to mix and apply a Sylmasta AB Original Epoxy Putty Repair Stick
This repair video shows how easy it is to use a Sylmasta AB Original Epoxy Putty Stick for repair, refurbishment and maintenance applications. AB Original was mixed and applied to a wooden demonstration piece, where it filled a missing corner and deep holes before being sanded to a smooth finish.
About this Epoxy Putty Repair Video
Sylmasta AB Original Epoxy Putty has a wide range of uses in pipe repair, refurbishment and maintenance applications. It is made by Sylmasta at their UK site using the latest in epoxy stick manufacturing technology.
Each 200g stick and contains resin on the outside and hardener in the middle. Combining the two removes the need to measure out resin and hardener from separate components.
Instead, the user simply cuts off the required amount of putty from the stick and kneads it by hand for around five minutes, until the material is a uniform colour and streak free.
AB Original comes with an extended two-hour work time. It enables more material to be mixed and longer taken when shaping and applying compared to fast working epoxy putties which cure off in minutes.
It comes in white, grey and black and bonds to metal, wood, brick, masonry, concrete, porcelain, ceramics, clay and most plastics. AB Original even cures underwater and has high wet surface adhesion.
Because of its versatility, AB Original is used in a variety of different applications. These include sealing leaking pipes, filling holes and cracks, rebuilding small areas of damage and high-strength bonding between parts.
Once cured, AB Original can be tapped, drilled, screwed, sawed, machined, ground, filed, or painted.
This demonstration video was filmed at Sylmasta HQ and shows AB Original Epoxy Putty being used to repair wood. A corner was cut away and three large, deep holes drilled into a wooden demo piece.
The corner was rebuilt with AB Original and each of the holes filled with a different colour of the epoxy putty. Water was used to show the ultra smooth finish AB Original achieves, followed by the cured material being sanded.
AB Original can be used to make repairs in interior and exterior settings. It achieves a full cure in 24 hours and is resistant to water, chemicals, and temperature extremes. It also insulates parts and can be used as a sacrificial layer against corrosion and chemical attack.
Sylmasta AB Original Epoxy Putty
Sylmasta AB Original Epoxy Putty Stick
Metal-filled epoxy paste for large damage repairs, rebuilding worn equipment and protecting machine parts and surfaces.
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