Epoxy Coating

Sylmasta manufacture three epoxy coatings all effective on metal, most plastics and wood. They are painted onto surfaces, curing to form a toughened outer shield protecting the original substrate.

Liquid Metal is metal-filled and most commonly used for pipe repair. It protects against external pipeline damage, internal corrosion and can withstand future breaches of the original line from inside to contain pipe content.

When applied in conjunction with SylWrap Pipe Repair Bandage, Liquid Metal can be used as a load-transfer layer providing PCC-2 compliant repairs. Away from pipe repair, it is pourable into moulds to create metal casts and installs anti slip surfaces by bonding grit to floors.

Ceramic Brushable is ceramic-filled and reinforced with silicone carbide. This gives it extra hardness and an ultra-smooth finish. The toughness of Ceramic Brushable enables it to protect and seal parts against abrasion and wear, at the same time as creating low-friction surfaces.

It is available in Blue, Green and Black. These colours can be combined to create a two-layer wear indicator coating. A topcoat of one is applied over a base coat of another. When the base colour shows through, it is an indication that new wear protection measures are needed.

Liquid Metal Epoxy Coating

Versatile, metal-filled coating with a wide range of repair, refurbishment and maintenance uses. It offers excellent protection against corrosion and chemical attack, curing to form a protective outer shield around pipework, equipment, machine parts and surfaces.

Work Time: 90 minutes
Re-coat Time: 4-8 hours
Max Service Temp: 150ºC

Ceramic Brushable Epoxy Coating

Ceramic-filled epoxy coating reinforced with silicone carbide for ultimate hardness and an ultra-smooth finish. It protects and seals parts, machinery and surfaces against abrasion and wear, extending system lifespan and improving efficiency by reducing friction.

Work Time: 45 minutes
Re-coat Time: 4-6 hours
Max Service Temp: 150ºC