Case Study: Christmas Saved With Broken Outside Light Projector Repair
Superfast Aluminium Epoxy Putty saves Christmas for one British family by enabling the quick and easy repair of a broken outside light projector. A fitting holding the projector in the ground had snapped into two pieces which were permanently bonded back together, ensuring the festive show could go on.
Case Study Overview
Site Domestic home
Location UK
Repair Type Plastic repair
Defect Broken fitting for outdoor Christmas light projector
Repair Products
Superfast Aluminium Epoxy Putty Stick
Case Study PDF

Case Study Details
The Christmas light projector projected festive scenes of joy and happiness onto the outside wall of a house in the United Kingdom via a relatively simple setup.
A spike was stuck into the ground where the projector was to be positioned. The projector then slid into the spike and was fixed in place by a fitting.
One day, the family returned home to find the projector detached from the spike and the fitting had snapped into two pieces.
The family believed there were two possible causes; either accidental damage or one of the neighbouring allotment holders channelling their inner Ebenezer Scrooge.

Whether accident or deliberate sabotage, no decorative light show meant Christmas would have to be cancelled with much wailing and gnashing of teeth – unless the fitting could be repaired.
Thankfully, no wise men nor Christmas miracle were needed. Just Superfast Aluminium Epoxy Putty Stick to permanently bond the fitting back to together.

Superfast Aluminium is a fast-working epoxy putty. Although it is formulated for the repair of aluminium, other alloys and metals, it can also bond to many plastics. It was shaped in this application to hold the parts together mechanically.
Enough putty was cut from the stick and kneaded by hand until it turned a uniform silver colour. Whilst soft, it was used to reassemble the pieces of the fitting.

Within 10 minutes, Superfast Aluminium had hardened to form a cohesive bond holding the fitting back together. More epoxy putty was then mixed and applied as a ring around the entire break area, reinforcing the repair and giving it added strength. Just in case Scrooge returned.

The outer ring was left for one hour to reach a full cure before the fitting was placed back in the spike in the ground. The projector light was then turned back on, leaving the repair to be hailed a success and Christmas saved for the family.
Products Used
Superfast Aluminium
Fast working epoxy putty which bonds broken parts back together in under 10 minutes
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