Watch how to increase the pressure resistance of a live leak repair to large diameter pipework by using SylPad in conjunction with Wrap & Seal Pipe Burst Tape
Category: Videos
Video: How to make an online pipe repair without using tapes, wraps or a clamp
A demonstration video filmed on a test rig at Sylmasta HQ showing how to repair a 5 bar live leak on a 150mm steel pipe using no pipe repair tapes, wraps or clamps
Video: How to use a Sylmasta AB Original Epoxy Putty Stick to repair areas of damage
See how easy it is to mix and apply Sylmasta AB Original Epoxy Putty Stick, followed by a wooden demo piece repair involving rebuilding a missing corner and filling deep holes
Video: How to make a high-strength metalwork repair with Industrial Metal Epoxy Paste
Watch how to mix and apply Industrial Metal, followed by a demonstration of the cured material’s machinability and strength after repairing a hole in a metal demo piece
Video: How to repair a leaking flange when pipe pressure cannot be turned off
Watch how Superfast Aqua PW Epoxy Putty can be used in conjunction with a valve to seal a leaking flange on a live pipe operating at 2 bar pressure
Video: How to protect surfaces and parts from abrasion and impact using WearShield Epoxy Paste
Demonstration video showing the effectiveness of WearShield Epoxy Paste in forming an alumina-reinforced layer over surfaces to protect against abrasion, impact and wear
Video: How to repair a leaking step joint when pipe pressure cannot be turned off
Video showing a leaking step joint repair at Bahrain International Airport made using SylWrap products to a 100mm UPVC pipe whilst the system remained live
Video: How to permanently fix a leaking pipe in under 30 minutes with a SylWrap Pipe Repair Kit
A Sylmasta instructional video from an on-site demonstration at a UK water company showing how to permanently repair a live leak using a SylWrap Pipe Repair Kit